Wednesday 8 March 2017

Top 10 Healers


If there is one class/character type i would consider to be extremely underrated it would be the healer - in an RPG like Final Fantasy or an FPS like Overwatch you will definitely need a healer in order to keep your buddies alive so they can hit hard. To pay tribute to one of my favourite character archetypes i have decided to compile a list of in my opinion some of the best healers around. I will be including all media for this list not just video games. It’s time to bring out your mediguns,call out your Crazy Diamonds it’s the Top Ten Healers. (No Healers from Bleach will appear on the list)

Number 10:

Princess Peach from Super Mario RPG


Oh, boy it’s time for The Gaming News Guy’s Unpopular Opinion statement - I am not a huge fan of Super Mario RPG, while i don’t think it’s a bad game by any means i wasn’t a huge fan of it. However, i can say without a doubt that Princess Peach absolutely rocks as a healer in this game. While Mallow admittedly is an okay healer at the start of the game - Peach is better in every way once you get her. First, she has restored HP and cure status effects (more HP with timing) with Therapy meaning if you have an itty-bitty scratch on Mario’s lovely moustache then Therapy will heal it right back up. Like any good healer, she can heal multiple allies with Group Hug with Group Hug which restores all allies but heals less than Therapy but if you have a damaged party then she can heal a good chunk of the team’s health. She’s even got a revive move which will bring back anyone who has fainted.

Finally, she has some status inflicting moves such as a Sleepy Time which sends down a giant sheep (In Scotland Sheep are more likely to be flattened) and Mute which makes the enemy unable to use special attacks. In Super Princess Peach she even can heal herself with the Calm Ability. Peach does have a few downsides - she only has one special attack that can damage and overall her damage sucks but as a good support character she more than fits the job of the party healer. Now if only she was as useful in other games as this one.

Number 9:

Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles


Xenoblade Chronicles, what a game you are - easily in my Top 20 Favourite Games of all time soooo looks like picking a healer from that game is inevitable so which one to pick..well you probably already know but I think it’s fitting to introduce her. It’s the Sharpshooting Sniper Media Sharla - say that 4 times fast. Anyway, Sharla while not being one of my favourite party members is still very useful and a medic i would like to have on my team.

Prior to the start of the story, Sharla and her younger brother Juju lived in Colony 6. Sharla was due to marry a member of Colony 6's Defence Force, named Gadolt. Unfortunately, the Mechon attacked, led by Xord , and destroyed Colony 6. Sharla and Juju were tasked with helping the young and elderly flee the Colony. It is at the Refugee Camp that Sharla meets Shulk and Reyn. She almost immediately takes a liking to Reyn but has trouble believing that Shulk can witness the future. They eventually reach Juju, who has been captured by a Mechon M71, and defeat it.

Unfortunately for Sharla, their victory is short-lived as Xord appears and terrorizes the group. He kidnaps Juju, causing Sharla to faint from the ordeal for about four hours. The crew later encounters Xord and after the battle, she is asked to accompany Shulk on his journey.

Sharla brings more than her “assets” to combat. Sharla possess a Rifle that can heal her allies as well as do damage. She has healing moves such as Healing Bullet which restores some HP to a single party member, Heal Blast which restores a large amount of HP to a single party member, Healer Round - restores a medium amount of HP to all party members, Healer Encounter - restores HP to the targeted party member each time he/she gets attacked. Sharla also has buff/debuff bullets such as: Cure Bullet - removes debuffs from a single target and grants temporary debuff immunity, Tranquilizer - puts an enemy to sleep, HeadStaker - dazes a Toppled enemy. She even has some damaging spells such as Thunder Bullet,Metal Bullet and Headshot which is her instant kill (i presume she is taking lessons from the TF2 Sniper). Overall Sharla’s a great healer able to healer allies and debuff foes for quick kills - don’t underestimate her rifle or you might find that your head is blown off - or healed depending if you’re her ally. If you’re her enemy pray to God because once she has you in her sights - you will be 6 feet under.

Number 8:

Soraka from League of Legends:


While i don’t play it anyone - I do admit there was once a time where i played a considerable amount of League of Legends and due to me being a huge fan of support characters i took a natural liking to certain characters Soraka not only because she was a healer but i also really liked her backstory. For those who don’t know:

Soraka lived for centuries in an enchanted grove - she healed the wounded and sick that sought her out. One man named Warwick called came to her grove and begged her to heal his wife. While she could not save her she offered a chance to alleviate his pain. Unwilling to let go of his grief Warwick ran from the grove. Warwick would return and eventually Soraka grew attached to Warwick. Eventually Warwick left the grove wanting to get revenge on the people who murdered his wife. Soraka decided to follow him despite the warnings tells her not to. She would later find Warwick who was desperately trying to fight off a group of men. She tried to help him but these group of men were extremely strong so she decided to save him by using all her celestial power. A shining light appeared from Soraka's staff and after the light had vanished she realized the price she had paid she was now mortal for her crime against the stars. She took comfort in Warwick's safety but the man betrayed her and stabbed her in the back. Soraka had been fooled. She called on the power of the stars, searing his flesh and cursing his cruelty and he retreated - Soraka dedicated herself to heal the wounded and protect the helpless.

Soraka is an extremely helpful healer. With her first ability is a passive ability called Salvation - which gives Soraka 70% bonus movement speed when moving towards allied champions below 40% of their maximum health. Her first ability and her main ability is called Starcall where Soraka calls down a star which deals magic damage. She also has an ability called Rejuvenation which activates when Starcall hits an enemy foe - she heals herself every half-second, gains 10% bonus movement speed when not moving towards enemy champions. She can heal her allies with Astral Infusion which heals her allies but she cannot use it when she is under 5% health. Soraka can create a zone called Equinox which deals magic damage to all enemy champions in an area and silences enemy champions that are in the zone. Finally, there’s her ultimate - Wish which the Ultimate Healing Ability aka healing all allied champions, including targetable allies, and herself meaning she will be able to keep her allies in the fight. Due to Soraka’s huge Mana bar and good Mana Regen - Soraka is the perfect healer to keep her allies alive while causing her foes much needed trouble.

Overall Soraka is a fun character with an interesting backstory and a playstyle that personally caters to my personal states. I mean she was one of the main characters i used in League of Legends for a reason.

Number 7:

Raine Sage from Tales of Symphonia


In the Tales Series there are multiple healers such as Estelle, Iria, Tear, Rutee but my personal favourite healer in the series goes to Raine Sage from Tales of Symphonia hands down. While Tales of Symphonia is not my favourite game in the series (That goes to Tales of Vesperia) it has great gameplay and great characters - one of the best being Raine Sage. Raine and her younger brother Genis (Who are Half-Elves) were born in Tethe'alla. Their parents “abandoned them” at the Otherworldly Gate, one of the two poles between the two words, when Genis was an infant. The reason why Raine and Genis’s parents did this was because to escape from the racism towards half-elves in Tethe'alla.Due to being all along Raine decided to take care of her younger brother. Five to 6 years later the pair would arrive in Village of Iselia. Raine is Iselia schoolteacher, and she leaves to accompany Colette on her journey before Lloyd and Genis do.

In terms of personality she is one of the most interesting characters in the game - due to not having a good childhood - Raine grew up very cynical compared to her younger brother and would often give sarcastic remarks to those she doesn’t like especially do Fab King Himself Zelos. Contrary to most healers in video games she is cold, calculating and has a very practical and self-sacrificing approach to situations compared to most of her other more reckless teammates. Though underneath she does have a softer side as shown with her interactions with her younger brother Genis and Lloyd acting like the mom of the group - always encouraging the group to move forward and telling people off when they make mistakes. Though her personality is probably due to her having to grow up extremely fast compared to other people her age.

In terms of combat Raine specializes in healing and supportive magic with little offensive magic potential. Raine also has extremely good magical defence meaning she takes less damage from magic based attacks and has an extremely large TP (Which is basically this game’s equivalent to HP). She starts off with First Aid heals just one person but as she levels up her healing ability. Raine's spells have variations depending on whether she is focused on the "Technical" or "Strike" branch of arte progression. In her "Technical" arte progression, she is able to learn Nurse which gives Raine the ability to heal all of her party members, Healing Circle which is a more powerful version of Nurse, and Revitalize which is her most powerful healing ability as it heals a large amount of her party’s health. Though her "Strike" arte progression, she can learn healing spells that greatly affect one ally such as Heal and Cure and she can revive her allies back from the dead with Revive. She can even resurrect multiple allies at once with Resurrection. Raine is the only playable character who uses support magic such as Barrier and light spells such as Ray or Holy Lance

Overall Raine is an extremely potent healer force and a great character who may start off as cold and calculating but throughout the journey the player finds out what she has gone through and why she does so much to protect her friends. Personally, she’s my favourite female character in Tales of Symphonia and my healer in the series.

Number 6:

Yukari Takeba From Persona 3


Honestly this was a pretty tough pick for me as I had two potential choices for which Persona Healer i would choose for this list - Yukari Takeba from Persona 3 or Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4. After looking at both and considering my options I decided to go with Yukari (I used both in my main P3 and P4 Team so I am familiar with both). There are two reasons why I decided to go with Yukari - the first is because I felt she did a better job as a healer in Persona 3 Portable. Secondly this may get a bit on the controversial side but I really liked the direction they took Yukari in Persona 3 - The Answer (I could make an entire blog on that story) but for now let’s talk Yukari’s Backstory and Personality.

Yukari's deceased father, Eiichiro Takeba, worked for the Kirijo Grou’s Shadow Research Department. Apposed to Mitsuru’s grandfather’s plan to bring about the Fall he released the Shadows which caused him to be killed by Mitsuru's grandfather. These events of the past caused the Dark Hour which is the main issue that the SEES  is forced to overcome. After Eiichiro’s death - Yukari's mother dealt with the pain from the loss of her husband by dating numerous boyfriends and essentially abandoned her daughter as such Yukari grew up an extremely unhappy child not only due to the boyfriends her mother debated but to get away from the backlash and blame towards Eiichiro as people believed he was responsible for the deaths of many Kirijo Group researchers even though it was all rumours. Yukari ends up alone having no friends coupled with the pain of losing her father caused her to become introverted not caring about herself and others. When Yukari enrolled at Gekkoukan High School, she finally received the letter her father wrote 10 years ago. Finding out about that her father truly loved a her as well as the wishes he had. Yukari decides to join SEES to learn about the truth about the events that caused her father's death. She becomes one of the first party members of the game and held most people at a distance and while she has a clear dislike of Mitsuru at the start of the game due to her family’s role in her father’s death she grows to care about the group.

In terms of personality Yukari is extremely strong willed and determined constantly focusing on her task of finding about her father’s death. She has somewhat of an Oedipus complex; her love for her father reaches the point of idolization but she has an extremely poor relationship with her mother due to her throwing herself at numerous shallow boyfriends. However, what Yukari doesn’t understand is that that her mother is simply trying to move on which is her greatest flaw - she fails to understand the feelings of others which causes her a lot of issues in both Persona 3 - The Journey and The Answer.

In terms of combat she is easily the character that is most focused on supporting and healing her allies as well as wind magic. When her Persona is in its initial stage it can learn healing spells such as Dia (which slightly restores a party member’s HP), Media (which slightly restores a party’s HP), Diarama (Which moderately restores 1 ally's HP, Recram (which revives an ally, restoring 50% of HP.).Medirama (which moderately restores party's HP). Diarahan (Which fully restores a Party Member’s HP), Samarecram (Which revives an ally, fully restoring HP) and Mediarahan (which fully restores the party’s HP). Due to Yukari’s extremely high SP she can make use of these healing spells to heal her allies in case they get injured. Unlike some healers, she can also do a decent amount of damage which wind spells such as Garu (which deals wind damage), Garula (which does Medium Wind Damage), Magarula (which deals medium Wind damage to all foes) and Magarudyne (which deals heavy Wind damage to all foes). She even has some dispelling spells such as Me Patra (which dispels Panic,Fear and Distress) to the part as well as Charmdi (which dispels Charm).

Overall Yukari is an extremely interesting character (personally i consider her to be one of the most underrated characters in the Persona Series as well as the character that gets waaay too much hate) as well as being a very useful party member (no way would i have been able to beat the final boss without her). She’s not in my Top 5 Favorite Persona Characters but she’s definitely one of my favourite female characters in the series.

Number 5:

Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy 4


The White Mage, a Final Fantasy Staple - we have had Final Fantasy White Mages since the beginning so which one is the best? I could have gone with Garnet,Yuna,Aerith or Celes but in the end i decided to go with the Wife of Cecil Harvey and the White Mage of Final Fantasy 4 as well as the supreme waifu of the Final Fantasy Series.

Rosa became a White Mage because her mother, Joanna, was a White Mage who fought alongside her father who was a Dragoon. One of her main motivations for training to become a White Mage is because she wanted to fight alongside her lover Cecil like her mother did with her father.Rosa first appears worrying about Cecil’s trip to the Mist Village. She worries for and tries to encourage Cecil, who has doubts about the King of Baron. She speaks about the goodness she sees in him, that he needs to follow his heart. Finally, she wishes Cecil luck on his mission to the Mist. When Cecil does not return from his mission to the Mist Village and lastly wishes Cecil luck on his mission to Mist. When Cecil does not return, and after learning of the new plans of the Red Wings, Rosa starts searching for him. While she is searching for her love she eventually gets inflicted with Desert Fever and collapses on the outskirts of Kaipo. An elderly couple tends to Rosa during her malady, and when Cecil and Rydia visit her, they vow to find the Sand Pearl so they can cure her. After obtaining the Sand Pearl they return to Kaipo and use it on Rosa, who recovers and the lovers are finally reunited. Rosa tells Cecil about what had happened since he left Baron and revealed that Golbez has taken control of the Red Wings. She joins Cecil on his adventures to stop the Baron as the team’s mage and encounters many hardships. One such incident is her reuniting with her own mother who laments permitting Rosa to study White Magic since it put her in harm's way, demanding that Rosa remain home. Rosa reminds her mother that it is her duty to help others in need. Rosa's mother admits the value of her daughter's choices and entrusts Rosa's safety to Cecil. After the adventure is over Rosa and Cecil have a son named Ceodore.

Rosa is the white mage of the group and thus is the most adept at healing her allies in a pinch. Rosa uses staffs/bows and has her stats focused on her magical ability. She learns every White Magic spell in the game. She has non-White Magic Abilities such as Aim which charges up a slightly stronger attack that never misses it is only usable while Rosa is equipped with a bow. Pray restores a small amount of HP to allies if successful - the amount of healing is similar to a Cure spell. In terms of magical abilities she has Cure - which restores a small amount of HP as well as Cura, Curaga and Curaja which is her Cure Spell at its maximum and restores all of a party member’s HP. She has reviving spells such as Raise (which restores an ally and some of their HP) as well as Arise (which restores an ally and all of their HP).She has debuff/status affecting moves such as Hold (which causes paralysis to foes), Slow (which slows foes down), Silence (which prevents enemies from using magical attacks), Berserk (which inflicts Berserk on Foes), Confusion (which inflicts confusion on foes), Mini (which inflicts Mini on foes). She also has some buffing magical abilities such as Protect (Which halves physical damage dealt to targets), Dispels (which remove status enhancements and ailments),Haste (Which increases the speed of her allies) and  Reflect (which avoids traps and earth based damage). She has some unconventional spells such as Teleport (which allows her to escape battles) and Sight (Which brings up the map). Her strongest spell is Holy ( a very powerful spell made up of pure holy energy and as such deals holy-elemental damage (and thus is good against zombies).

Due to Rosa’s extremely good magic status and high MP statues she can certainly get work done with a bow or a staff. While she might not be my favourite character in the game there’s no denying just how useful she is in combat (which is why she is the Top Medic RPG Character on this list).

Number 4:

Tsunade from the Naruto Series


Look at who it is - the first anime character on the list and it won’t be the last (hint at next entry). This one was a very tough call between Sakura and Tsunade but I decided to go with the better character so I decided to go with Tsunade - looks like luck finally payed off for her. Tsunade is the 5th Hokage and one of the most powerful female characters in the series so let’s take a look at her (and not in that way you pervs)

Tsunade is the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. After she graduated from Konoha's Academy, Tsunade was teamed with Orochimaru and Jiraiya under the leadership of Hiruzen Sarutobi who would later become the Third Hokage. Tsunade's younger brother, Nawaki dreamed of someday becoming Hokage so that he could protect Konoha, On Nawaki's twelfth birthday, Tsunade gave him Hashirama's necklace in the hopes that it would help him achieve his dream. He died in battle the next day in the Second Shinobi World War.Because of her brother’s death Tsunade began to advocate from the inclusion of medical-nin. Hiruzen, the Third Hokage could not dedicate resources but agreed with her. Dan Kato a Shinobi in her village agreed with her and their relationship developed and later the two would fall in love with Tsunade giving Dan her necklace. Tsunade would later gain the title of the Legendary Sanin along with Orochimaru, and Jiraiya.Tsunade would go on to heavily contribute to the war though was unable to prevent Dan's death and the experience caused her to develop haemophobia.

Tsunade became convinced that achieving one's dreams was impossible and that to be Hokage was a fool's job. She left Konoha with Dan’s Niece Shizune. Jiraiya with his new apprentice Naruto decided to find her to ask her to become the next Hokage after Hiruzen’s death. She rejected the idea but later decided to become the 5th Hokage thanks to Naruto and Jiraiya's efforts of fighting Orochimaru. She would later contribute heavily to the Third Shinobi World War and became a hero to the Shinobi Village.

Tsunade is extremely headstrong, blunt and yet short tempered - prone to striking Naruto. She drinks constantly, sometimes sleeps on the job, and tries as much as she can to have other people do her work for her and her gambling addiction has led her into trouble. However, despite her many flaws she is willing protect Konoha at any cost and while she may have rejected the notion of dreams once before now is extremely optimistic about the future generation of Ninja.

Tsunade is one of the strongest Female Ninja in the series and while some of that is due to her physical power as she has been shown to be extremely powerful easily able to break through Susano’s Absolute Défense, her true power lies in her healing abilities. She has extensive knowledge in healing so much so she can perform miracles that no one else would have thought possible for example fix the damage to Rock Lee's spine. She can very easily heal herself and her allies and due to her large amount of Chakra she can keep herself and her allies alive in combat. But her magnum opus is the Creation Rebirth, which draws on her vast amounts of chakra supplies to instantaneously heal any wounds she receives no matter how bad - though the amount she can heal depends on her chakra. It is almost like she is immortal - however it has a massive double edged sword - whenever Tsunade uses the technique she shortens her lifespan. Because of this, she only uses it in very desperate situations. She is an extremely powerful medical ninja who has extensive knowledge in biology and even used White Zetsu to make prosthetic limbs. She is an extremely capable medic.

Overall Tsunade is one tough cookie - not only is she extremely strong but she is a genius at medical knowledge and her Creation Rebirth Technique is extremely overpowered despite it’s massive weaknesses. While she is not one of my personal favourite Naruto characters it is clear her skill in healing and medical knowledge more than earns her spot on this list.

Number 3:

Josuke Higashikata from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure


What is this, The Gaming News Guy discussing a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure character - he’s never done that before. In all seriousness despite my love for the series I believe I am not that bias when I made my decision to put the Pompadour Healing Protagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable on the List of the Best Healers (His Healing does have some downsides). I have a difficult time debating if I should Josuke or use the two other Healers that being Giorno and Foo Fighters. At the end of the day I decided to go with Josuke because his Stand’s Main Ability is Restoration Aka Healing so yeah. Time for backstory.

Josuke Higashikata is the bastard child of Joseph Joestar (Who is the main protagonist of JoJo Part 2: Battle Tendency) and a Japanese Woman by the name of Tomoko Higashikata (Whom Joseph had an affair with). Josuke despite having no father figure grew up a relatively normal child. However, during the events of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders Josuke developed his Stand. The reason for this is that is that the main villain of part 3 - DIO pierced himself with the Arrow that Grants Stands, Josuke, having Joestar Blood that runs in Jonathan's body, develops a Stand but due to being just a child and being too weak to control his new power -  suffers a fever not unlike that of his half-sister Holy Kujo. He is then saved by a high school student with a pompadour who throws his coat under his mother's car to allow their car to plow through the snow. This then inspires Josuke's admiration for the man with the pompadour and protect his town against those who would destroy it. Later Josuke would meet his Nephew Jotaro Kujo who not only inform him of his father but also inform him of a Serial Killer in Morioh named Angelo. During this time, he meets his best friend Koichi Hiorse. Eventually Josuke encounters Anjuro stand but then Anjuro’s Stand kills Josuke’s Grandfather - Ryohei Higashikata. Eventually Josuke beats Aqua Necklace. Josuke then encounters various Stand Users including the Nijimaru Brothers - Keicho Nijimaru and Okuyasu but the truth thread was a man named Yoshikage Kira who killed one of Josuke’s friends. Now Josuke with the help of his friends has to hunt down Kira and bring him to justice

Josuke’s main characteristic is his kindness which is reflected in his Stand’s Ability to repair and heal. After a teenager with a pompadour saved him and his mom his desire to help others and his town grows. Josuke is not as violent as other JoJos and can even calmly tolerate bullying by upperclassmen or Shigechi's selfish acts but when his buttons are pushed he gets angry and i mean angry. He does possess a trickster side and is not above pulling dirty tricks or tricking someone to get some money. Overall, he is an extremely reliable individual and truly best Husbando.

Nooooowwww why would I put Josuke on a list of the best healers - let me explain. Josuke’s stand is known as Crazy Diamond - it is extremely fast and strong comparable on the level of Star Platinum but that’s not Crazy Diamond’s main ability. Its main ability is Restoration.

What makes Crazy Diamond one of the most useful Stands in the series is its main ability which is Restoration. Basically, what Crazy Diamond does is that it can restore or revert objects or organisms to any previous state in their history. It can repair damage. Even if people receive fatal damage - for example Koichi getting punched through the chest by Killer Queen, Okuyasu getting his side blown off by Killer Queen’s Bombs and one of the most important Josuke feats. When Hayato touched Okuyasu’s body he exploded in an instant (keep in mind that Killer Queen completely atomizes the body), Josuke still managed to heal him in time before he could die. Honestly Josuke’s Crazy Diamond is debatably the strongest sole healing ability on this list as unless the person is already dead - Josuke can literally heal any injure extremely quickly without much problem to himself it is literally the perfect healing ability if it wasn’t for two very clear flaws - the first flaw is that Crazy Diamond cannot heal Josuke himself and it can’t restore life to an organism meaning once something is dead - there is no way CD can bring it back. Despite those two obvious weaknesses Crazy Diamond is still extremely strong in the healing department as he can restore anyone instantaneously but his flaws keep him off the top two despite Crazy Diamond’s restoration ability.  

Despite this I hope I’ve made it very clear that Josuke deserves to be on this list due to not only the strength of his healing ability but also the creative ways he uses it to bet his foes. Josuke truly lives up to the legacy of the Joestar Name.

Number 2:

Mercy from Overwatch:


Ahhh Overwatch - what a great game you are besides the community (in all seriousness the community is not that bad).” sigh” Do I have to choose which healer to make it on this list - my beautiful supports - i just love them all I mean most of my playtime on Overwatch is spent on just the Supports since most people go DPS or tank. Sooo out of the supports in this game which one is the best healer - well admittedly I could have picked Zen and Lucio who are two characters that i main especially Lucio who is the character I have spent the most time on but i have to let go of some of my personal bias and pick who I believe to be the best healer and honestly i have to go with Mercy. Before I go into why I think Mercy is the best healer in the game let’s go over her backstory.

Dr Angela Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries - the drew Overwatch’s attention. Due to her parent’s deaths in the way - Dr Angela Zieger opposed Overwatch’s militaristic approach to keeping global peace. However, she decided to join Overwatch as its head of medical research. Angela decided to create a suit that would allow her to heal allies on the front lines - the result was the Valkyrie swift-response suit. She contributed to many Overwatch missions but she was often at odds with her superiors due to her more pacific approach. Eventually it all fell apart when the United Nations conducted multiple hearings due to the allegations directed towards Overwatch in light with a fight between Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes which took both of their lives allegedly which was in part due to the rift between the two ever since Jack got the position of Strike Commander. After Overwatch was disbanded Ziegler dedicated herself to helping those affected by war especially in areas where crime is most common. She desires to make a peaceful world.

Dr Angela Zingler has revolutionized modern medicine and healing thanks to her Valkyrie suit which contains a Caduceus Staff and wings for added healing and flight. Her first main ability is the Caduceus Staff’s healing ability - the Caduceus Staff shoots out a healing beam that heals the target for 60 health per second making it a wonderful tool to heal any low health tanks nearby but it also has the added benefit of a secondary mode that rather than increases damage (by 30%) rather than health which is extremely powerful in the right hands. Mercy also has a Caduceus Blaster which she uses to defend herself - it shoots out a fast-moving projectile that does 20 damage. In terms of her manoeuvrability options - Mercy is able to fly with the Guardian Angel Ability allowing her to get to Pharah as well as other teammates quickly. Along with her flight she has the Angelic Descent which allows her to safely descent to the ground and regen 20 health after not taking damage for 1 second. But this is just the cake - the true icing on the top is Mercy’s Ultimate - Her Resurrection Ability, Mercy revives nearby dead allies at full health and grants a 2.25 seconds of invulnerability to herself and those resurrected. Resurrect has a short cast time during which Mercy can still move. This is an extremely useful ability.

Mercy is an extremely powerful healer that heals her teammates and keeps them alive thanks to her healing and resurrecting power. She is an extremely stronger healer and due to how useful she is on team she more than deserves her high place on this list but there could be only one and i am pretty sure you all know who the Number 1 position goes to.

Number 1:

The Medic from Team Fortress 2


This should not be a surprise for anyone - The Medic is debate-ably one of the most iconic healers ever and he more than deserves his position on this list. The Medic is the lifeblood of Team Fortress 2 and perfect for Heavy his sworn brother in asskickery. Before i explain just how strong the Medic truly is in the medical field. Let’s look at his backstory “He doesn’t have a backstory”. Oh, come on...well here’s The Medic’s TF2 Bio (He doesn’t have a backstory but we do know his name is Ludwig).

“What he lacks in compassion for the sick, respect for human dignity, and any sort of verifiable formal training in medicine, the Medic more than makes up for with a bottomless supply of giant needles and a trembling enthusiasm for plunging them into exposed flesh. Raised in Rottenburg, Germany during an era when the Hippocratic oath had been downgraded to an optional Hippocratic suggestion, the Medic considers healing a generally unintended side effect of satisfying his own morbid curiosity.”

Now let’s talk about The Medic’s abilities. The Medic has an ability called Health Regeneration - he can regenerate 3 3 HP per second and his Healing rate can increase the longer he is not taking damage and it can go up to 6 HP per second. The Medic has tons of different weapons that make him a deadly force in the medical department such as: The Syringe Gun which is his default primary weapon for the Medic and fires 10 Syringes per second and has a base damage of 10. The Blutsauger which gains 3 HP on hit but health is drained by 2 HP.The Overdose which increases the Medic’s movement speed depending on the Ubercharge percentage.Max speed increase is 20% for a full Ubercharge but it’s downside is a -15% damage penalty. The Crusader Crossbow which is my personal favourite Primary Weapon for the Medic. The Crusader's Crossbow can fire out bolts that can heal allies and damage enemies from a distance but it cannot headshot foes and has a -75% primary ammo.

But the thing that makes The Medic extremely powerful is his Medi-Guns. His default secondary weapon is the Medi-Gun,it was invented by The Medic Himself and can heal any wounds that his allies have taken and it matches the same speed of his target.Medi-Gun also gives The Medic Ubercharge which when full grants the Medic and his target invulnerability. The Medic also has different forms of Medi-Gun including the Quick Fix which gives the Medic a ton benefits - for example the Quick Fix gives the Medic’s target a 40% heel rate and has a 15% Ubercharge build rate. It also allows The Medic to follow Soldiers and Demomen when they rocket and sticky jump respectively. It’s only downside is that - 50% Overheal.

The Medic also has some Melee Weapons. For example, The Bonesaw which is the default weapon for the Medic and does 65 damage in-game. It was designed by the Medic for cutting through bones. The Vita-Saw retains Medic 20% of the Ubercharge he's built on death but has a 10-point reduction on his health. The Ubersaw gives The Medic 25% of Ubercharge but has slower attack speed. The Amputator that gives the Medic a +3 heel rate when this weapon is active but does 20% less damage. Finally, there is a Solemn Vow which allows the Medic to see enemies health but has a 10% slower speed.

The Medic is an extremely powerful team player - easily able to heal his allies quickly and then Ubercharge them with increased invulnerability and his melee weapons and primary weapons allow him to do a considerable amount of damage but his medi-gun is amazing tool for both defense and offense which is why he is Number One on this list. The Medic is an awesome character and I am more than happy to give him the title of the Best Healer.

I am The Gaming News Guy - Signing Out.


  1. - Beware the Medic

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